Now offering marketing services!

Happy New Year everyone!
I hope you’ve enjoyed a restful and fun-filled festive season. You may have noticed things look slightly different around here, and you’ve got my lovely wife (pictured above) to thank for that!
We were chatting over Christmas about how it’s been a while since I last used my camera and how I wanted to offer more freelance marketing services through CWDmedia. Keeping in mind the fact that I am just one guy and my work through CWDmedia is done alongside a full-time job (I’m the Marketing Manager for Develop Training), simply adding marketing services to the range of services available through CWDmedia didn’t seem sensible. It’s important to keep things manageable, after all!
So what I’ve done is replace Photography services with Marketing services. Now, that isn’t to say that I couldn’t assist with photography should you require it. But my focus in 2017 is to continue providing clients with high quality graphic & web design, excellent copywriting and to introduce a range of marketing options to those who want them.
These marketing services include, but are not limited to:
- Consultancy services
- Competitor benchmarking
- Marketing strategy and/or planning
- Market segmentation
- Design management
- Direct marketing
- Inbound marketing
- Sales promotion
- Media planning & publishing
- PR liaison/coordination
If you require any of these services, I’d be delighted to discuss these with you and devise a solution to fit your needs.
That’s it from me for now. I wish you a healthy and prosperous New Year.