What a weekend at Farmer Phil’s Festival!

Well that was some weekend! As the dust starts to settle in the sleepy folds of the Shropshire countryside, a couple of thousand live music enthusiasts (myself included) are reflecting on a terrific weekend at Farmer Phil's Festival. I can honestly say that's the first time I've ever seen a field full of people jumping up and down, generally going bananas to a song called 'Portaloo'!
Sadly I only made it to the final day of this year's event, arriving only to find that I'd missed all the action, including Farmer Phil himself arriving on site on Saturday by paragliding in from the Long Mynd (this after turning his ankle on Friday night) and then upping the ante by flying in on Sunday by gyrocopter, narrowly avoiding the electricity lines overhead!
I did arrive in time to watch a triumphant set from The Bar Steward Sons of Val Doonican which was every bit as bizarre as it was entertaining and funny, while "Rock n' Roll's Greatest Failure" Jon Otway was just plain bizarre for the most part and as for Lost the Plot, well their name is delightfully apt but what good fun they were too.
What struck me the most, though, was the terrific atmosphere throughout the festival site. Everybody relaxing, enjoying the weather, the surroundings and the wide variety of live music on offer, not to mention the excellent cuisine laid on by a plethora of vendors.
I felt immensely proud on Sunday to have played a part (albeit a small one) in the success of this year's festival through the re-design of the Farmer Phil's Festival website, and I'm looking forward to bringing news of next year's event as and when it's released.
Rock n' roll!